Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2 Months

Miss Lucy turned 2 months old on Monday.

I can't believe how much she has grown and how fast she is changing.  First thing in the morning after she wakes up and gets changed, we go downstairs and she sits in her vibrating papasan chair and I sit on a pillow in front of her.  She smiles and coos and ahhs while I talk to her, drink my coffee and enjoy seeing her beautiful shining face.  We usually sing songs and read a few books.  After about an hour or so she gets tired and lays down for a nap.  My mornings are typically the best part of the day with Lucy.  When the weather is good, we usually take a walk mid-morning.  These walks are keys to my sanity and peace.  I feel like it enables me to smell fresh air and talk to Lucy about what I see; birds chirping, noisy dump trucks driving, crazy old lady feeding the squirrels, dogs catching frisbees... It is a special time with her.

What is Lucy up to these days?  Smiling and cooing. It is awesome.  Her face lights up and she seems to be on the edge of breaking into laughter.

Love her deeply.

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