Thursday, September 11, 2014

Amazing Zoo Visit!

Have you ever been photo bombed by a giraff? Or fed a carrot to a black rhino? Have you ever seen a grizzly bear swim 6 inches from you? Have you ever seen a lynx family of five up close? What about seeing a sloth 2 feet above your head without any barriers? Or being within 5 feet of real African lions and elephants?!? 



Dave, Lucy and I went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and got to experience all of that and more! It was such a fun and successful zoo trip! Lucy even spotted the Mexican grey wolves in an exhibit. Wow! She is a rockstar that loves animals. But she does prefer animals from afar...she was scared of the giraffs getting too close as well as the rhino being a bit larger than in her books. 

It was such a wonderful afternoon off together as a family! I love you Dave and Lucy-Lu!

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