Lucy was playing in the bathroom this morning as I brushed my teeth and got ready. She was naked, enjoying playing with q-tips, tampons, hair ties and her socks. Yes, I said tampons... Lucy has a million toys but loves to find goodies in the bathroom to play with, throw in the bathtub, pull apart, and put in bags. She also likes to drag her socks around. Anyway, I asked Lucy what she wanted to do this morning and she immediately stopped what she was doing, signed swing, and said "up". Meaning she wanted to go to the park and mom please get me dressed. She put on her clothes, shoes, coat and hat with such excitement. She even sat on the bottom stair as I got my coat and shoes on. Here is a glimpse into her cuteness waiting to go to the park and SWING! And she also loves the big slide... Face first. This girl rocks!
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