Sunday, December 14, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Seasons Greetings friends and family,
 We hope this letter finds you well and that 2014 was a year of good health and great joy.  For the Otten clan it has been a year of growth and fun.

 Gwen continues to work as a respiratory therapist. She has cut back on her hours since going back to work and has enjoyed the opportunity to spend most days home with Lucy. She also has run three half marathons.
Lucy has changed dramatically over the past year. She is now a walker, a talker, and an opinionated young girl. Watching her grow has been such a blessing to us both. She loves animals, going to the park, reading, listening to music and dancing, and being naked! She has a sweet heart and loves a good snuggle and kisses. She is a good sleeper and listener. She is a very good communicator between her sign language and large vocabulary for a 13 month old. She seems to get smarter on a daily basis. Being parents has been a truly incredible experience and we look forward to seeing Lucy’s continued growth.
 Lucy and her parents had other fun opportunities in 2014. Lucy was a good traveler during our trips to Phoenix, Charlotte, and Steamboat Springs. She enjoyed numerous camping, hiking, and fishing trips. She cheered her mom and dad on from the sidelines of numerous Ultimate Frisbee games.  Dave is in the midst of his third year of emergency medicine residency. As expected, he continues to spend a ridiculous amount of time at work, but generally finds it rewarding. He has taken on a more senior role in the department and has enjoyed the greater autonomy and the opportunity to supervise and teach other residents and students.

We hope that 2014 was good to you, and we pray that 2015 will be even better.  

Merry Christmas! 
  David, Gwen, and Lucy

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