Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good bye DPT, Hello RT

After much thought and searching for what I want to do with my life... I think I have found what I am looking for. Yes, Dave and I want a family at some point but I have felt a need for something for myself. I have worked at Denver Physical Therapy for 3 and a half years which have been good a.nd I have enjoyed my coworkers, but there is no fulfillment in being an Administrative Assistant. Yes, I was good at my job, but I have been getting very bored and I have known I need something more challenging. I am thankful for this position because it has allowed Dave and I time to travel, go to Rockies games, and given me many great working relationships. But the time has come for me to move on. After much thought, Dave and I have decided that we are going to try to stay in Denver for one more year and that I am going to start Respiratory Therapy school in March. The military has made Dave do an Intern Year starting in June/July after he graduates, so we are going to take advantage of being around one more year. The RT program I have registered for will be completed in August of 2012, just in time for me to follow Dave to who knows where for his Residency. I will be going to Concorde Career College in Denver studying to get an Associate's Degree. It is an accredited and accelerated program that finishes in 17 months time with over 1,000 clinical hours. I am pretty pumped to start but it will be a big change. A question in most people's mind is probably what is an RT? An RT evaluates, treats, and cares for patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders ranging from babies to adults. 80% of RT's work in the hospital and the other 20% work in home health, sleep apnea clinics or other private settings. I think this job will allow me to be challenged mentally as well as enable me to find a job where ever we may be. The field is also expected to grow 20% (higher than average) in the next 8 years which is great news for me. Good bye DPT, hello RT:)

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Dana said...
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