Friday, August 3, 2012

Racing Away....

It seems as if most of June and all of July has passed me by. Life has been so insanely busy. It has been good overall, but time is racing away.
Dave started with rotations in the Burn/Trauma ICU and General Surgery. He had an epic/tragic day at University Hospital on July 20th/21st when a gunman opened fire in a movie theater in Aurora. The gunman succeeded in killing 12 and injuring 58 others. It was complete terror and madness in Aurora and surrounding hospitals. Something unfathomable had occurred and Dave saw the aftermath at work the next day. Taking young, innocent people to surgery after being shot in the head. Absolutely tragic. This incidence touched many lives across the nation and it most definitely impacted ours. Many of our friends worked tirelessly helping these shooting victims and their families in area hospitals. One of our friends posted a comment on Dave's Facebook page and it said: "Save one life and they call you a hero. Save a thousand lives and they call you a doctor." So, true. On a lighter note, Dave and I have been spending our time playing frisbee, riding our bikes, and fishing any time we can. Kezia and Avery visited one day and it was great to spend some time with the two of them. Amy joined us for lunch and we basically fought over who got to hold Avs:) I took a bike repair class at REI recently, so I could learn to change bike tires and do basic maintenance to our bikes. We recently bought road bikes off craigslist and have been loving the ride! I finished my clinical rotation in the Neonatal ICU and thoroughly enjoyed it. One day, I think I would like to work in the NICU. It is an extremely loving and close place and I feel like i would be extremely rewarding to work there. I finish school at the end of August. It has been a very busy/hectic time for me, but I am not sure what I would do if my life was not crazy all the time. In mid-July, I spent time at Champ Camp. It is a camp for kids with asthma. I had a great time up in Ward, CO. It was beautiful outside and the kids were incredibly knowledgable about their asthma. I saw a moose with her two babies while at camp and Dave met up with me on the last day to go fish in Brainard Lake. We both caught a cutthroat trout and I was especially excited since it was my first ever. Cutthroats live at higher altitude in Colorado and have very pink coloration. Busy busy, but doing great! Pictures of our time outside:
My first fish caught on open waters!
Dave caught this beauty: a 16 inch trout!
A couple of dorks:)
Although life is racing away, Dave and I try each day to grab the moments and cherish them. I always look forward to Dave's hug and Asher's snuggle time. Life is busy, but I would not change a thing.

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